The NOPC was created to organize and conduct amateur tournaments according to SCGA and USGA rules and guidelines.
However, unless specified otherwise, non-amateur NOPC members may compete in Club tournaments and for organized optional side bets. Non-amateur Club members will not be eligible to compete for Club Championships, SCGA Team Play or other Club events that require amateur status as an entry requirement.
The Club tournament schedule is typically set for weekly-Wednesdays and Saturdays (with the exception of alternative dates to avoid significant Golf Course maintenance activities).
For each event, tee times are reserved to handle 36 players (Wednesdays) or 44 players (Saturdays). Since the NOPC must notify the Golf Course as soon as possible if sign-ups will be more or less, final sign-ups for play are targeted for the two evenings prior to each event.
Optional side bets will be funded for each tournament by a prize competition fee. In order to promote consistency, fairness and control, the NOPC will stipulate, schedule, organize, track and pay these optional side bets as prizes.
Typically, tournament awards are calculated by computer after each event. Prizes are awarded and made available at the following event. NOTE that unclaimed prizes will be held for recipients for a maximum of 6 months “for current members” after which such an unclaimed prize will be returned to the Club's general account.
The optional side bet fee for events shall be set by the Tournament Committee. As of this update, the fee is set at $15.00 for NOPC members with current and active SCGA Handicaps. Those members that do not yet have an SCGA index (or NOPC temporary index) will not pay the side bet fee. The NOPC Handicap Chairman will produce an interim course handicap for members that have records for at least three recent rounds and haven't yet received an index from the SCGA.
Except for Championship Tournaments, guests of Members are welcome to play, but may participate in the optional side bets no more than once per quarter.
Contact us to learn more and get involved.