Subtitle Into The Storm
To lessen the impacts of stormwater runoff on the Bay, consider reducing the amount of precipitation that can run off of your property. Install a green roof, rain garden or rain barrel to capture and absorb rainfall; use porous surfaces like gravel or pavers in place of asphalt or concrete; and redirect home downspouts onto grass or gravel rather than paved driveways or sidewalks.
subtitle Into the Storm
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The Chesapeake Bay Program is committed to reducing the amount of sediment and nutrient pollution from a number of sources, including stormwater, through its 2025 Watershed Implementation Plans. In 2021, nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment pollution from developed areas (primarily stormwater runoff) accounted for 15%, 17% and 9% of the total pollution, respectively.
Any precipitation in an urban or suburban area that does not evaporate or soak into the ground, but instead collects and flows into storm drains, rivers and streams. Stormwater is also called urban stormwater, stormwater runoff and polluted runoff. Increased development across the Chesapeake Bay watershed has made stormwater the fastest growing source of pollution to the Bay and its rivers and streams.
Alone at his bench, McMahon dons a pair of headphones, plays some music and, well into the evening, conducts experiments that he hopes will someday help combat the pandemic that has transformed the day-to-day lives of billions across the world.
EPA encourages operators of oil and gas field activities or operations to implement and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize discharges of pollutants, including sediment, in storm water both during and after construction activities to help ensure protection of surface water quality during storm events. Appropriate controls would be those suitable to the site conditions and consistent with generally accepted engineering design criteria and manufacturer specifications. Selection of BMPs could also be affected by seasonal or climate conditions.
No. GSFC operates under several National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits administered by the State of Maryland that govern discharges of potable and other source water to the storm sewer system. In addition, GSFC has its own Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that prescribes best management practices to comply with federal and state stormwater regulations.
If you have an activity that will result in a discharge of potable (domestic) water that may enter the storm sewer system, contact the MEMD to determine the potential regulatory requirements and management practices. Examples of activities include, but are not limited to, power washing, flushing domestic water distribution lines or fire control systems, or accidental releases from water distribution line breaks. Please see the flow chart "General Permit Requirements for Stormwater Discharges from Water Utilities and Fire Control Systems" for more information. When in doubt about how to manage the water, please contact the MEMD at 6-6741. The MEMD performs all notifications to regulatory authorities.
"Lucy Gray" is a poem written by William Wordsworth in 1799 and published in his Lyrical Ballads. It describes the death of a young girl named Lucy Gray, who went out one evening into a storm.
The poem was inspired by Wordsworth being surrounded by snow, and his sister's memory of a real incident that happened at Halifax.[2] Wordsworth explained the origins when he wrote, "Written at Goslar in Germany in 1799. It was founded on a circumstance told me by my Sister, of a little girl who, not far from Halifax in Yorkshire, was bewildered in a snow-storm. Her footsteps were traced by her parents to the middle of the lock of a canal, and no other vestige of her, backward or forward, could be traced. The body however was found in the canal."[3] Lucy Gray was first published in Volume 2 of the 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads.[4]
Wordsworth is trying to describe how Lucy, a girl connected to nature, dies.[11] She is part of nature, according to Robert Langbaum, because Wordsworth "makes the human figure seem to evolve out of and pass back into the landscape".[12] Henry Crabb Robinson explains that Wordsworth's point "was to exhibit poetically entire solitude, and he represents the child as observing the day-moon, which no town or village girl would ever notice".[13] However, her connection with nature makes it is possible that Lucy's spirit is able to survive. The feeling in Lucy Gray, as John Beer writes, is counter to the feeling in "She dwelt among the untrodden ways" that "No amount of dwelling on her significance as an embodiment of life-forces can reduce by one iota the dull fact of her death and the necessary loss to all who love her."[14]
Wordsworth wrote, in reference to Lucy Gray, "the way in which the incident was treated and the spiritualizing of the character might furnish hints for contrasting the imaginative influences which I have endeavoured to throw over common life with Crabbe's matter of fact style of treating subjects of the same kind".[15] By this, Raymond Havens points out, Wordsworth is trying to pull away from realism into a state dominated by the imagination.[16] To Wordsworth, the imagination was connected to both ethics and aesthetics, and he sought to exalt the imagination in Lucy Gray.[17] Paul De Man believes that there is a "loss of name in the Lucy Gray poems where death makes her into an anonymous entity".[18] However, some critics, like Mark Jones, believe that, in arguing for "a more general symbolic or literary value for Lucy Gray" or deemphasising Lucy Gray's identity as an individual, a critic "obliterates her status as human pure and simple, or, what is the same, underrates the importance of this status."[19]
A.C. Bradley believed that "there is too much reason to fear that for half his readers his 'solitary child' is generalised into a mere 'little girl,' and that they never receive the main impression he wished this is very wrong where is the actual theme written to produce. Yet his intention is announced in the opening lines, and as clearly shown in the lovely final stanzas, which gives even to this ballad the visionary touch".[23]
LAURA SULLIVAN: It was a complicated story. And as we investigated over the next seven months, we would discover that the devastation in Puerto Rico and the trouble recovering were due to forces far beyond just the wrath of the storm.
JOSE SANCHEZ: It was very weak, even before the storms. You have generation issues. We had power line issues. We have age of the infrastructure issues. So all those things create the problem we have now.
But in the many trips we made here after Maria, we began to realize not only was the island unprepared, so was the federal government. Four months after the storm, we found a community doing what it could to try and rebuild, and we met one of its leaders, Jossie Lozada.
JOSSIE LOZADA: [subtitles] That I still see that practically my whole community is sleeping on their balconies. There are people living in shelters. There are people living in their cars, that my community has emptied out because everyone is leaving!
LAURA SULLIVAN: [voice-over] Just over a week after the storms hit, the federal government had three times as many people on the ground in Texas and twice as many in Florida as it did in Puerto Rico.
Local emergency managers on the mainland were well financed and ready to respond. Nine days into the disaster, federal officials had handed out, on average, twice as much water and more than four times as many meals and tarps in Houston and Florida.
A crew of masons commenced bricklaying in fall 2022 and will continue this work into 2023. Once masonry work on the commission concludes, the landscape around the sculpture will be shaped under the guidance of Reed Hildebrand Landscape Architects, which will allow visitors to experience the work from all sides, including from within.
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Title 16, Subtitle 6The regulations set forth in this subtitle are adopted to regulate the construction, alteration, reconstruction, moving, and demolition of structures of historic, architectural, and archaeological value, together with their appurtenances and environmental settings within respective specified limits. These regulations are designed to safeguard the heritage of the County by preserving districts herein that reflect elements of its cultural, social, economic, political, or architectural history; to stabilize and improve the property values in such districts in the County; to foster civic beauty; to strengthen the local economy; and to promote the use and preservation of such historic districts in the County for the education, welfare, and pleasure of the residents of the County. For more information on Historic Preservation, please visit the Historic Preservation page.
Title 16, Subtitle 13The purpose of this subtitle is to foster the preservation of cemeteries and burial grounds in Howard County. For more information on Cemetery Preservation, please visit the Historic Preservation page.
Title 16, Subtitle 12 Manual Worksheet DOI - Agricultural DOI - Forestry DOI - Real Estate Transaction DOI - Single Family Fee-in-Lieu Request State Champion Trees Summary ChartThis subtitle is pursuant to the requirements of the Maryland Forest Conservation Act of 1991, which requires units of local government to adopt, by December 31, 1992, a local Forest Conservation Program that meets or is more stringent than the requirements of the Natural Resources Article, 5-1601 through 5-1612 of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The Manual presents the Howard County program for implementing the mandates of the State Forest Conservation Act. For questions about the Howard County Forest Conservation Program, please contact the Department of Planning and Zoning, Division of Land Development Planner-of-the-Day at (410) 313-2350. 041b061a72