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Christopher Price
Christopher Price

Morris, Michael Lockdown 2 Corona War Nur D... __TOP__

After the ease of lockdown, a group of Germans who had been working in China was allowed to return. On arrival in Tianjin on 29 May 2020, Chinese authorities tested a 34-year-old engineer from Blaustein positive for the coronavirus. A test on departure in Frankfurt had shown no infection.[75]

Morris, Michael Lockdown 2 Corona War Nur D...

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In Kamerun sei ein von sezessionistischen Rebellen wegen der Coronakrise ausgerufener Waffenstillstand bereits wieder gescheitert, berichtet Ngala Killian Chimtom. Für die Bevölkerung bildeten die internen Konflikte und die Epidemie einen "tödlichen Mix". "Cameroon has so far recorded more than 2,200 cases and 100 coronavirus-related deaths since March, the highest in central Africa. However, few of them have been in the North-West and South-West, either because of little testing or because conflict has heavily restricted movement, effectively putting many urban and rural areas on lockdown long before the outbreak of coronavirus. Like most civilians, soldiers are now seen wearing mass-produced protective masks, and using hand sanitizer, as they patrol cities and towns in the North-West and South-West. However, there is little indication that the armed militias have taken any protective measures against coronavirus, or that they are medically equipped to deal with infections in their forest hideouts - where they sometimes hold abducted government officials." (BBC vom 10.05.2020) Externer Link:

Reuters hat in einer interaktiven Infografik aktuelle Maßnahmen vieler Länder zur schrittweisen Aufhebung des Corona-Lockdowns zusammengestellt. "National and local authorities around the world are beginning to wind down restrictions imposed to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, gradually lifting the lockdowns that have stunted economies, decimated jobs and thrown millions into poverty. The following chart shows the status of social distancing measures in five important areas: schools, shops, bars and restaurants, public transport and international travel. Exceptions to the general rule are noted where significant. The chart focuses on the countries and U.S. states with the highest number of infections, as well other territories whose economies are regionally important. The chart will be updated as more governments announce measures to reopen their economies, or if they go too far and have to pull back." (Reuters vom 06.05.2020) Externer Link: 041b061a72


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